Growing Bountiful Gardens and Confident Gardeners
Why we grow
I want all my neighbors to experience growing more of their own food. When I step out into my garden, I breath deeper. I hear, see, and smell more. The world slows down and wonder captures me. A garden is truly a magical place.
My garden connects me to the people and foods I love. I grow rhubarb and raspberries for my Grampie…Thai basil for my mom’s Thai Basil Beef salad…swiss chard for my husband’s childhood memories…Jimmy Nardello sweet peppers because they are my garden mentor’s favorite pepper. Gardens connect us to each other.
Growing our own food feeds our souls and our bodies. It means a few less trucks burning fuel to bring our food to us. It means a few more bees and butterflies in my backyard getting a late autumn meal. It means my children getting dirty fingers pulling carrots. It means using my body for work that is meaningful and life-giving. It never ceases to amaze me the blessed abundance found in the garden.
What’s for dinner?
It’s in the garden.
Taste the satisfaction of growing your own food.
See the beauty of abundant harvest.
Experience nature with those you love.
Reduce your carbon footprint.
Eat local. Really local.
Erika Olsen
I grew up surrounded by potato farms in Northern Maine, in a community and family formed by things that grow. After planting gardens in cities from Miami to Chicago, my urban farm has taken root back home in Lexington, Kentucky. My neighbors, friends, and family all know my love language is plants, produce and flowers.
In 2023 I became a certified Gardenary consultant and Leaf and Bloom was planted. I’d love to help you grow more, wherever you are.
Andy and I have been married almost twenty years. Only a truly amazing man would have shoveled as many cubic yards of composted manure as he has. We discovered many years ago that yard work was something we both enjoyed and we’ve been building gardens ever since. Now we have three gardeners in training who get roped into our adventures as well. (Or they at least steal the raspberries…)
When not in the garden, I enjoy baking sourdough bread, drinking my husband’s fresh roasted coffee, creating beauty, and taking walks with my kids.
Follow @leafandbloom_garden
I’ll try to share a little of what’s growing out there, in here